Nano-Hydroxyapatite: Is It Safe for Your Family? - Eagle Harbor Dentist (2024)

Nano-Medical Hydroxyapatite is showing up in toothpastes as an alternative to fluoride. It is a gold standard ingredient for oral health products in Japan known to combat tooth decay by remineralizing and repairing teeth. Researchers have even started testing its use in sports drinks in the hopes of tackling the rise in adolescent tooth decay due to the increased intake of acidic or sugary drinks.

But how safe is it? What studies have been conducted concerning its application and effectiveness as a substitute to fluoride and how can you decide if it’s safe for you or your family?

What Is Hydroxyapatite?

Hydroxyapatite is a biocompatible material naturally occurring in our bones, teeth, and saliva as a mineral form of calcium apatite. It is used by our saliva to remineralization our teeth, making up 97% of our tooth enamel, 70% of detine, and 60% of our bones. The synthetic version is called nano-hydroxyapatite (Nano-HAp). Shown to help remineralize and repair teeth and bones, it is used in the field of dentistry, orthopedics, and osteopathy, found in products, and used in treatments.

But where does it come from and how exactly does it remineralize or repair teeth?

Where Does It Come From?

The first medical application of hydroxyapatite was in 1970 by NASA for astronauts returning from their missions and the zero gravity environment of space. Experiencing significant loss in teeth and bone mass on return, hydroxyapatite was used as a biomedical treatment to help repair and remineralize both. Acquiring the patent from NASA in 1978, Sangi Co Ltd in Japan introduced the first commercial use of hydroxyapatite as the main ingredient for their enamel-restoration toothpaste, which is still sold today.2

Where Is Nano-HAp Found?

Due to its biocompatibility by being present in our bodies, medical and dental applications of Nano-HAp are prevalent. Its remineralizing capabilities provides growth and regenerations capabilities resulting in its use as a biomaterial ingredient in both medical and dental products and treatments.

Some products that use Hydroxyapatite include:

  • Toothpaste
  • Nutritional Supplements
  • Medical Paste & Powder
  • Dental Abrasive

Some treatments that use Hydroxyapatite include:

  • Artificial Teeth and Bone
  • Tissue Repair
  • Orthopedic Implant Coatings to improve biocompatibility
  • Protein-binding agent for Chromatography & Bacteria Culture

What Does the Toothpaste Taste Like?

Various flavors are available in toothpaste that contains Nano-HAp that mirror those of traditional fluoride flavors, such as the traditional spearmint. Children’s flavors are available such as “Watermelon,” “Bubblegum,” and “Berry” and are more subtle feature lower concentrations of Nano-HAp. The consensus from users has been there is no difference in flavor when compared to fluoride products although it is less harsh than fluoride. The biggest difference is not taste, but how it makes their teeth feel.

How Does Nano-HAp Feel on Your Teeth?

Going beyond what it tastes like, the real difference users state about using Nano-HAp over fluoride toothpaste is how it makes their teeth feel. Ask any users or search through the product review sections of Nano-HAp toothpaste and you will discover people stating it makes their teeth feel:

  • Stronger
  • Smoother
  • Healthier
  • Less sensitivity to hot or cold

Thinking and feeling something works is a start, but what is the sciences and research to prove or disprove what people are saying about Nano-HAp toothpaste?

Is It a Marketing Scheme or Does It Really Work?

Using Nano-HAp is said to help remineralize and repair teeth and bones, which in theory it seems to work. Hydroxyapatite remineralizes teeth by replacing lost minerals such as calcium and phosphates caused by high levels of acid or bacteria. Remineralization takes place when filling the microscopic cracks in our teeth created by tooth decay, and used in our saliva to do just that for our teeth. This is said to help repair teeth damaged by cavities while preventing cavities by breaking down first before it reaches tooth enamel. Bonding to proteins such as plaque or bacteria when brushing your teeth, hydroxyapatite is an antimicrobial agent and also tackles plaque, leading to the conclusion that it actually does what it says it is capable of doing.

How Does Nano-HAp Compare to Fluoride?

Fluoride has been a proven cornerstone for oral care since 1912. Products featuring Nano-HAp focus on restoring and remineralizes teeth, compared to fluoride working on remineralizing teeth via our salvia. In regard to protecting teeth prevent tooth decay, Nano-HAp is less resistant to acid than fluoride. Fluoride creates a dense zone of protection above whereas hydroxyapatite penetrates to the very bottom.

Considering users state it makes their teeth feel stronger, what research can back-up these claims? A research study published June 2011 in the Journal of Dentistry found “toothpaste(s) containing Nano-HAp revealed higher remineralizing effects compared to amine fluoride toothpastes”.3 This is backed by a study conducted 2016 published in the Indian Orthopedic Society Journal investigating remineralization of nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste versus conventional fluoride toothpaste finding “Nano-HAp toothpaste (Aclaim and Apagard) on daily application will provide maximum protection against enamel demineralization in orthodontic patients when compared to fluoride toothpaste (Colgate Total)”.4

Further research reveals different findings with a separate study published 2018 in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice investigating remineralization (specifically for younger permanent teeth and with the inclusion of pH balancing) that found “there was no significant difference found between fluoride varnish group and Nano-HAp paste group.”5 This leads us to the conclusion that although a viable alternative to fluoride, research has not confirmed Nano-HAp products as superior but instead, recommended them over fluoride in certain situations.

Is Hydroxyapatite Safe?

Being a naturally occurring organic material within our bodies means it is biocompatible and safer than most other dental products or treatments on the market. This means it does not induce toxicity such as the issue of overexposure and ingestion of fluoride known as fluorosis nor inflammation when it is used to spur bone growth & tooth repair. Although rare allergic cases have been reported, the primary issues with Hydroxyapatite come into play when it is being taken as a supplement. Issues that can arise in this instance includes: headache or fatigue, dry mouth, frequent urination, flushing or sweating, and stomach discomfort.

Being a non-toxic and biocompatible material means it can be ingested, making it in many respects safer for human consumption over other dental products. Studies have been conducted around the world including a number in Japan by the Sangi Co LTD to demonstrate its effectiveness and safety with children. Majority of results indicated not only is it safe for children, but in some cases recommended. In the previous study referenced from the Journey of Contemporary Dental Practices it concluded: “Nano-HAp is a favoured alternative to fluoride specifically for patients requiring a lower fluoride concentration – such as children, pregnant women, or those at high risk of dental fluorosis.”5

What Are the Benefits?

If deciding to use products featuring Hydroxyapatite, there are a number of benefits. Its ability to stimulate bone growth, remineralization, and biocompatibility has made it a favoured ingredient in both dental and osteo products and treatments.

Some of the benefits from using Hydroxyapatite includes:

  • Makes Teeth Whiter, Translucent, and Glossier
  • Reduced Tooth Sensitivity and Pain Relief
  • Antimicrobial & Fights Soft Tissue Infections (Fights Pathogens such as P Gingivalis & Candid)
  • Helps fight and prevent cavities
  • Remineralizes and repairs teeth
  • Bonds bones

Recommendations for Use

When using toothpaste that has Nano-HAp, mouthwash or flossing should be done first as it is not recommended rinsing immediately after brushing your teeth. This allows time for the active ingredient Nano-HAp to penetrate and do its job. Heavy and long time coffee drinkers or smokers have indicated it helps whiten and brighten their teeth to reverse yellowing, making Nano-HAp toothpaste a good consideration if you find your teeth are looking transparent and want an alternative whitening option.

Key Takeaways

Products featuring Nano-HAp offer another way to remineralise and protect teeth aside from traditional fluoride products. With today’s families ingesting foods and beverages that are higher in sugar or acidity, the prevention of tooth decay is a critical challenge for dental professionals. Shown to be a comparable substitute for fluoride, research indicates that toothpaste containing Nano-HAp is safe for children and has been the gold standard in oral health in Japan for over 40 years.

Whether using toothpaste with fluoride or Nano-HAp, it is recommended to be used in conjunction with proper oral care habits such as avoiding certain food and beverages (high in sugar, starches, acid), brushing twice daily, mouthwash, flossing, and regular visits to your dentist. Consult your dentist about whether using products with Nano-HAp is right for your or your family, how to use them properly, and contact us directly as we’re happy to answer any questions to make oral care easy instead of a chore.

Next Steps to Achieving a Beautiful Smile

While following these dietary tips is a great step towards a healthy mouth, it’s just a part of the bigger picture. Be sure to follow other oral hygiene procedures such as brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist every six months.

To schedule a check-up or cleaning, call us at 904-269-6558 or fill out our online form.


1Pepla, Erlind. “Nano-Hydroxyapatite and Its Applications in Preventive, Restorative and Regenerative Dentistry: a Review of Literature.” Annali Di Stomatologia, 2014, doi:10.11138/ads/2014.5.3.108. Published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Article from

2 “What is Nano Medical Hydroxyapatite.” Nano Medical Hydroxyapatite | Oral Science,

3 Peter Tschoppe, Daniela L. Zandim, PeterMartus, Andrej M.Kielbassa. Enamel and Dentine Remineralization by Nano-Hydroxyapatite Toothpastes: A comparative In vitro study. Journal of Dentistry 2011;Vol.39, Iss.06;430-437. Available from:

4 Singh A, Shetty B, Mahesh C M, Reddy VP, Chandrashekar B S, Mahendra S. Evaluation of efficiency of two nanohydroxyapatite remineralizing agents with a hydroxyapatite and a conventional dentifrice: A comparative In vitro study. J Indian Orthod Soc [serial online] 2017;51:92-102. Available from:

5 Y: Daas I, Badr S, Osman E. Comparison between Fluoride and Nano-hydroxyapatite in Remineralizing Initial Enamel Lesion: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018;19(3):306-312. Available from:

For informational purposes only.

Nano-Hydroxyapatite: Is It Safe for Your Family? - Eagle Harbor Dentist (2024)


Is nano-hydroxyapatite safe for kids? ›

It is ideal for children, pregnant women, and those at high risk of developing fluorosis. Though it is safe for ingestion, we do not recommend eating it. Ask your pediatric dentist today if hydroxyapatite is right for your family.

What is the truth about nano-hydroxyapatite? ›

Nano-hydroxyapatite is a derivative of calcium phosphate which is naturally found in your teeth and bones. While nHA has many medical applications, it is an alternative to fluoride toothpaste and topical varnish. Numerous studies have shown that it is more potent at repairing tooth enamel than fluoride.

Is nano-hydroxyapatite FDA approved? ›

No, Nano-HA is not FDA Approved. However, it has been used in countries like Japan, Netherlands, and Canada for many years. Various studies suggest that it may be a perfect substitute for fluoride.

What are the side effects of hydroxyapatite? ›

What are hydroxyapatite's main drawbacks? No safety concerns have been reported for hydroxyapatite used in toothpaste. In supplements taken by mouth, ossein-hydroxyapatite has been used in studies for up to four years without safety issues, while microcrystalline hydroxyapatite has been used for up to one year.

Why don't dentists recommend hydroxyapatite? ›

Unlike fluoride, which carries a small risk of dental fluorosis when children ingest large amounts, hydroxyapatite has not been found to have similar negative effects. But while hydroxyapatite helps to protect and strengthen teeth at a deeper level, it is more vulnerable to acidity.

Can kids swallow hydroxyapatite? ›

It can be swallowed without any worries, making it ideal for children who are still learning to brush their teeth properly. This feature offers peace of mind to parents during those early stages of dental hygiene education.

Why is nano hydroxyapatite banned? ›

It has been reported that there are potential risks to human health resulting from use of hydroxyapatite (nano) in cosmetics when the concentration of this substance exceeds certain levels or when it is used in sprayed products, which may lead to exposure of the consumer's lungs to nanoparticles through inhalation.

What is nano hydroxyapatite disadvantages? ›

Disadvantages include low mechanical strength and slow drug release. The advantages of using nanometer hydroxyapatite in biomedicine include its biocompatibility and ability to promote bone regeneration. The disadvantages may include potential toxicity and difficulty in controlling its properties.

Is hydroxyapatite banned in Europe? ›

Regulation 2024/858: 12 nanos banned, Hydroxyapatite subject to restrictions. Regulation 2024/858 of 14 March 2024, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 15 March, amends Annexes II (prohibited substances) and III (restricted ingredients) of European Cosmetics Regulation 1223/2009.

Can nano hydroxyapatite reverse cavities? ›

You can reverse and prevent cavities by remineralizing your teeth. HAp is a powerful and safe way to do that. Note: You can only reverse tiny, incipient cavities in the early stage of decay. More developed cavities will require dental treatment.

What percentage of nano hydroxyapatite is safe? ›

The regulations state that nano-hydroxyapatite is safe when used at concentrations up to 10% in toothpaste and up to 0.465% in mouthwash.

What is the problem with hydroxyapatite? ›

The body accepts the implant and bone, and soft tissue ingrowth throughout the implant takes place immediately after implantation. There have been reports of severe swelling and long, painful recoveries after hydroxyapatite injectable paste implants. Also, the augmentation effect appears not to be long-lasting.

Is hydroxyapatite nano safe? ›

The EU's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) considers hydroxyapatite to be safe when used at up to 10% concentrations for toothpaste and up to 0.465% concentrations for mouthwash, according to the European Commission.

Does nano hydroxyapatite calcify arteries? ›

Vascular calcification (VC) is a common characteristic of aging, diabetes, chronic renal failure, and atherosclerosis. The basic component of VC is hydroxyapatite (HAp). Nano-sized HAp (nHAp) has been identified to play an essential role in the development of pathological calcification of vasculature.

Is Boka safe for children? ›

Yes, our toothpaste is specifically made for kids and is also loved by individuals of all ages.

What is nano-hydroxyapatite disadvantages? ›

Disadvantages include low mechanical strength and slow drug release. The advantages of using nanometer hydroxyapatite in biomedicine include its biocompatibility and ability to promote bone regeneration. The disadvantages may include potential toxicity and difficulty in controlling its properties.

How can I Remineralize my child's teeth? ›

Methods like fluoride treatments and calcium supplements can improve the remineralization of teeth and ensure your child has a happy, healthy smile for many years to come.

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