Access to University Systems (2024)

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Most employees will need two UCSD accounts - Active Directory and Single Sign On - in order to access UC and campus systems.

  • Active Directory (AD): for email, the campus wireless network, Virtual Private Network (VPN), and TritonEd. This is set up by the department once you have completed employment forms and have been entered into payroll.
  • Business Systems(sometimes referred to as Single Sign-On) : for business tools such as the link family, MyServices, and other central applications.

In addition, both accounts utilize two step authentication for additional security.

Active Directory

Active Directory accounts at UC San Diego are set-up for all employees by the department and required to access the following systems:

  • Email
  • Computer profiles
  • TritonEd
  • Encrypted Wi-Fi (WPA2-E/ UCSD-PROTECTED)
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • ACMS computer labs

Information about how to change your password. If you have issues with your account, contactthe campusITS Service Desk, (858) 246-4357 or ext. 6-HELP.

Business Systems - Single Sign-on (SSO)

A Single Sign-On account is required to access all UC San Diego business systems, including TritonLink (UC San Diego's instructional information system), eGrades, FinancialLink, and much more.

  • Who needs a single-sign on account? Faculty/Staff/Lecturers/Teaching Assistants/Graduate Student Researchers
  • Instructions to register for a single sign-on account.
  • Instructions to reset your password.

Two-Step Login

Detailed information about how it works, your options for receiving a pass code (Duo App on your phone, phone call or by token), and who to contact for assistance can be found on the Two-Step Login page on Blink. Note: You should set this up AFTERyour Active Directory and Single Sign On accounts have been created.

Electronic Grades - eGrades (Faculty + Lecturers)

eGradesis a secure web-based application that allows instructors to submit or change final grades for the students in their courses.

Deadline: Grades are due by 11:59 pm the Tuesday following finals week.


  • Access to eGrades is through your UC San Diego single sign-on account (SSO).
  • Instructors of Record(IR)in the Schedule of Classes can access eGrades with their SSO.

Instruction Tools - TritonLink

TritonLink is a UC San Diego system which allows faculty, lecturers and staff to access student and class information.

  • Who needs access? Faculty/Lecturers/Student Affairs Staff
  • Required Training: FERPA - Confidentiality of Student Records and Privacy Rights
  • How to obtain access: Following the completion of the FERPA training, please download and e-mail the completion certificate to Christina Knerr Frink.
  • To access TritonLink, you will need to log-on using your business systems single sign-on log-in credentials.

What can you access on TritonLink?

  • Class list and wait list
  • Class photos
  • Individual student information
  • Schedule of classes

TritonEd and Canvas are UC San Diego's Learning Management Systems where instructors can provide course information, materials, quizzes, assignments, and grades from one secure location. Communication is seamless through course announcements and online discussion forums. As of Fall 2020, all courses will be run on the Canvas LMS.

TritonEdsites are automatically created by EdTech Services for all standard courses according to the schedule of classes. Instructors will receive a notification via email when the course is ready. During the transition period, instructors can request that their course be created using Canvas.

  • How to access: Faculty/Lecturers/Non-student Tutors/Teaching Assistants log-in using their active directory credentials, which is the username and password used to log into e-mail. Two-step authentication is required.
    • Faculty/Lecturers: To access the individual course page on TritonEd, you must be listed as the instructor of record on the schedule of classes. If you do not see your name listed on the schedule, please contact Alycia Randol for assistance.
    • Teaching Assistants/Non-student Tutors: The instructor of record must provision access to the course page on TritonEd.
  • Online resources to help use TritonEd and Canvas.
  • Support:For more information, contactEdTech Support, (858) 822-3315.


UCPathis a systemwide HRISand employee portal designed to unify and standardize payroll, benefits, and human resources for all UC employees. The site allows you to access your employee information, such as earning statements and leave accruals, enroll in/change your benefits, direct deposit, and tax withholdings, and much more. General information about the system and functionalities can be found on the campus UCPath website:

To access UCPath, sign in with your Business Systems log-in and bookmark this page:

For questions about your paycheck, benefits or other HR/payroll issues, please contactUCPath Support. A description of available support options are listed on the “Need Help” page of the UCPath Website.

At Your Service Online (AYSO) can still be viewed to see historical information and earnings statements through May 2020. (requires Single Sign On or creation of a separate AYSO account.)

  • Faculty Resources
  • Graduate Student Resources
  • Linguistics Lecturer Resources
  • LLP Instructor Resources
  • HLP Lecturer Resources
  • Mandatory Training
  • Access to University Systems
  • Course Resources
  • Library Resources
  • General Department Resources
  • Emergency Information
  • Staff Resources
Access to University Systems (2024)


What are the issues with access to higher education? ›

There are many barriers to achieving universal access, including poverty, crisis and emergency, high tuition fees, exclusive entrance examinations, geographic mobility, and some forms of discrimination. One of the reasons some students are not in HEI is that their families cannot pay for their education.

Why should everyone have access to higher education? ›

Higher education enables individuals to expand their knowledge and skills, clearly express their thoughts both orally and in writing, grasp abstract concepts and theories, and increase their understanding of the world and their community.

Does everyone have access to college? ›

For people who do not have a university nearby, online education may be the only avenue to pursue higher education. We estimate that 41 million American adults lack access to a physical university, and of those, 3 million also lack access to an internet connection suitable for online education.

How to solve access to education? ›

Incorporating diverse teaching methods, offering varied materials, and providing accommodations for students with disabilities contribute to a more accessible learning environment.

What are the three biggest issues in education today? ›

Four of the biggest problems facing education—and four trends that could make a difference
  • The learning crisis was made worse by COVID-19 school closures. ...
  • Countries are not paying enough attention to early childhood care and education (ECCE) ...
  • There is an inadequate supply of high-quality teachers.
Sep 12, 2023

What is the problem with access to education? ›

Inequality hinders education access and quality for marginalized students, perpetuating poverty. Overcrowded classrooms, inadequate facilities, and discrimination contribute to poor learning outcomes.

Why is it important for everyone to have access to education? ›

Education develops critical thinking. This is vital in teaching a person how to use logic when making decisions and interacting with people (e.g., boosting creativity, enhancing time management). Education helps an individual meet basic job qualifications and makes them more likely to secure better jobs.

Why is college not accessible to everyone? ›

Financial stability plays a big role in this situation, and although colleges provide scholarships and financial aid, colleges have only gotten more expensive. Even with these benefits that most colleges hand out, my parents just like many others might not have that kind of money in their pockets.

What are the benefits of increasing access to education? ›

10 Benefits Showing Why Education Is Important to Our Society
  • Creating More Employment Opportunities. ...
  • Securing a Higher Income. ...
  • Developing Problem-solving Skills. ...
  • Providing a Prosperous and Happy Life. ...
  • Giving Back to the Community. ...
  • Creating Modern Society. ...
  • Bridging the Borders. ...
  • Introducing Empowerment.

How many Americans have access to college? ›

College Enrollment Statistics
YearTotal Enrollment% Public Institution Enrollment
54 more rows
Jan 10, 2024

Why isn t college right for everyone? ›

Whether you should go to college depends on your career goals, financial situation, and desire to learn in a rigorous environment. The high price of attending college can make higher education a gamble, but it may be worth the risk if you generally like school or wish to pursue a career that requires a degree.

How do Americans feel about higher education? ›

Over all, 46 percent of people think colleges benefit their graduates a good amount, but just 24 percent see a great deal of benefit, and that share is not higher among four-year degree holders themselves. Americans are also less convinced that institutions benefit society more broadly.

How do you fix unequal access to education? ›

Stop the expansion of charter and private schools as it is not affordable for all students and creates segregation. Deprioritize test based funding because it discriminates against disadvantaged students. Support teachers financially, as in offering higher salaries and benefits for teachers to improve retention.

Why should education be more accessible? ›

As people come from a variety of backgrounds, with different abilities, disabilities, preferences and learning styles. As such, it is important for educators to provide an accessible learning environment for students to thrive in.

How do we ensure equal access to education? ›

Here are some ways to bridge the gap in access to education:
  1. Increase Investment in Education.
  2. Improve Teacher Quality.
  3. Provide Scholarships and Financial Aid.
  4. Promote Inclusive Education.
  5. Utilize Technology.
  6. Community Involvement.
May 13, 2023

What is a current issue in higher education? ›

Today's colleges and universities face an unprecedented array of challenges and threats. These include enrollment declines, rising costs and student debt, emerging college alternatives, and political interference. Historically, higher education has weathered crises and disruptions, but this time feels different.

Why is higher education inaccessible? ›

The financial challenges posed by the rising cost of tuition (54%), student debt (48%), and living expenses (30%) top the list of main reasons Americans believe people are choosing not to pursue a college degree.

What is the most pressing issue in higher education? ›

Safety protocols for the fall related to COVID-19” was the most pressing issue facing presidents (66 percent). The next most pressing issue was “fall enrollment” (56 percent), followed by “mental health of students” (39 percent), and “long-term financial viability of the institution” (38 percent).

What are the various issues student attending higher education institutions face? ›

Difficulty Managing Commitments

Many must work full- or part-time jobs, attend classes, and care for family, making good time management challenging. Even traditional college students must juggle part-time jobs, internships, and extracurricular activities like intercollegiate athletics.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.